What is Phytotherapy for Dogs and Cats?
Canine and feline phytotherapy is a good way to prevent certain health disorders and to preserve the well-being of dogs and cats. However, it generally cannot replace conventional allopathic treatment in the case of severe pathologies. In such cases, it can be used as a complement, meaning in conjunction with traditional medicine, because its natural virtues are ideal for alleviating the side effects of heavy treatments.
Canine and feline phytotherapy is a good way to prevent certain health disorders and to preserve the well-being of dogs and cats. However, it generally cannot replace conventional allopathic treatment in the case of severe pathologies. In such cases, it can be used as a complement, meaning in conjunction with traditional medicine, because its natural virtues are ideal for alleviating the side effects of heavy treatments.

How to Use Herbal Medicine for Dogs and Cats?
Herbal medicine uses fresh or dried medicinal plants in its most ancient and traditional form. However, it is not about giving plants for consumption to the animal directly, as it is necessary to extract the active ingredients beforehand.
While it is possible to prepare plants for your pet yourself, it is recommended to leave this task to experts in botany, as many plants look alike and poisoning can easily occur, not to mention that they are often sprayed with pesticides. It is therefore better to opt for preparations made by specialists, whose origin is known.
How to Use Phytotherapy for Dogs and Cats?
Phytotherapy involves the use of fresh or dried medicinal plants in their most ancient and traditional form. However, it's not as simple as giving these plants directly for the animal to consume, as it's essential to first extract the active principles from them.
While it's feasible to prepare herbal treatments at home for your pet, it's advised to entrust this task to botanical experts. This is because many plants bear a resemblance to each other, and the risk of poisoning is high. Furthermore, the widespread use of pesticides on plants adds to the risk. Therefore, it's much safer to choose specialist-prepared treatments with a known origin.

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